But this is succeeded by pitch darkness again, while from the gentle vibrations of the boat you can sense the rolling of the waves. 而一会儿又是漆黑一片,你从船身微微的荡漾中感到波涛正在翻滚沸腾。
The pitch inflections of speech sounds are indicated by the curves, which are drawn to enclose the ends of amplitudes of the sawtoothed waves. 锯齿波振幅末端所形成的曲线代表语音音高变化。
For the motion of shipboard radar platform in stormy waves, the math model for roll, pitch and heave of ship affected respectively by stormy waves is established. 针对舰载雷达平台在风浪中的运动,从海浪的功率谱研究入手,分别建立舰船受风浪作用而产生的横摇、纵摇和升沉的数学模型。
However, the roll and pitch response of Spar is perfect and comparable with that of the TLP when the peak period of random waves is low. Spar的纵摇和横摇运动响应与低频随机波浪的峰值周期下的张力腿平台相比更加完美。